About Divine Treasures Bookstore. Our history . . .
In September 1989, following a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, Lois Brookhart felt a strong calling from God to start a Catholic book and gift ministry to serve the Des Moines Catholic Community. She envisioned a ministry that must be about the business of helping Catholics know, love and keep their faith with a burning hope in our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. After sharing her vision with her husband Jim, a nominal Baptist, and her friend and co-worker, Susan Greenwood, a cradle Catholic, these two women began prayerfully discerning how God would have this ministry come to fulfillment.
Susan's husband, also a non-Catholic, and military officer suggested the new enterprise be called, Divine Treasures. Susan and Lois, convinced this was a sign from God, an inspiration of the Holy Spirit, moved forward with their plans to open the store, and Divine Treasures, was conceived and given birth. With much encouragement and prayer support from their friends Ila and Jim Daly, owners of Daly's Catholic Store, the only other Catholic store in Des Moines, Divine Treasures, Inc. opened its doors for the first time on All Souls Day, November 2, 1992, in the Franklin Plaza, a small strip mall in the Beaverdale area.
Lois served as president, and Sue vice-president. Within two to four years of opening, both Susan and Lois' husbands joined the Catholic Church. And until his untimely death on January 29, 2004, Jim Brookhart served as the manager and oversaw the ministry's day to day operation. Since Jim's death, both Sue and Lois have assumed that responsibility and role. But it has taken these two women, the ongoing support and prayers of loyal customers, three wonderful employees, a host of loving friends volunteering their gifts and talents to Divine Treasures, and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph to fill Jim Brookhart's shoes.
The success of this little ministry has resulted in two location changes in the past 21 years of its operation. We have welcomed another owner, Cindy Kodis and have doubled the size of the store. With the help of God's grace, the ministry continues to grow and serve the needs of the Des Moines Catholic community and beyond, and hopes to do so for years to come.